Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Penny for Your Thoughts

My parents have this totally adorable little dog named Penny. She's a complete heart melter; I don't consider myself a dog person (I like them... but not a dog person... Vuni and I have two AMAZING kitty girls) but I absolutely love this little dog.

The more I think about it, though, I probably I adore this dog so much because of just how much she reminds me of myself. (Kinda funny, I don't know how much I'd like a person exactly like myself...). Penny is what I'd imagine I'd be like, to a "T," if I were a dog, and vise-versa. I'd probably even look like her, with the large brown eyes, long, beautiful lashes, petiteness and stunning hair ;) Call me crazy, but I really do consider Penny my little doggie-sister. So here's what makes me feel like I relate to this little canine girl so much:

1.) When Penny gets too excited or afraid, she pees :P Not that I pee, but I do have overwhelming panic attacks. Peeing is Penny's equivalent of my panic attacks. We both have reactions to situations that seem... out of our control. Like, we can't contain ourselves... thus peeing or panicking ensues. 

2.) Penny is extremely shy. Although she warms up to some people (if she feels safe around them) she is very skeptical of everyone she meets. I am also extremely shy, and have been so my entire life. I warm up to people a lot more quickly depending on how they make me feel, and if they seem like a "good" person. Same goes for Penny.

3.) Penny has a very short list of people she trusts and feels safe with. In fact, there are only four people she will regularly go to: my parents, Vuni, and myself. She's attached to us. She does have some people she is slightly wary of, but will let them hold her. I have a four-person list too: my parents, my brother, and Vuni. I feel safest with these people; in fact, when not alone, I need to be with them. It's hard to go almost all public places alone, without at least one of my four "safe" people with me. However, I do have some other people that I am okay to be with... but I'm also very, very attached to my Fantastic Four.

4.) We both bark a lot worse than we bite. Penny barks a lot; her 5 pound little self barks at any one or thing that dares come near "her" house. She growls at uncertain noises or situations. However, she's obviously a scaredycat, just like her sissy. I, on the other hand, talk a lot of shit. Especially in the car; bad and uncourteous drivers top my list of pet peeves, regardless of whether or not I'm the driver. I bitch and complain about other drivers, people in public who annoy me (everyone from rude servers at restaurants to parents who let their kids behave badly), and people I see on TV (my boyfriend Vuni often complains that I'm not the easiest person to watch TV with). However, I'm a scaredycat (just like my sissy) and am horrible with confrontation.

5.) We both have our "safe places." Penny's is obviously my parents' house, but even moreso, her kennel. We did not kennel train her; her previous owner did this. She loves her kennel though, and whenever feeling nervous or unsettled, she hops in there and chills. Her kennel is also her hang out place when no one is home. My safe places are home, my parents' house, and a few places that I feel relatively okay to go alone to, such as Hobby Lobby... this does, of course, mean strangers/the public :(

6.) Loud, unexpected noises terrify us ;)


7.) Despite us both being nervous little hens... Penny and I are courageous fighters, underneath it all. Penny was found by her previous owner, sickly and malnourished, wandering around a neighborhood that isn't too kind to doggies without human parents. I, on the other hand, have had my fair share of difficulties I've had to overcome/deal with.

I'd say that we are both pretty darn lucky, too, to have the same (in Penny's case, adopted) awesome parents ;) They are loving and wonderful and strong enough to put up with two nervous little trainwrecks :)

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